Truths to Memorise 03 Aug 2011 Holiness is no easy thing. One thing that becomes clear in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is that Christian holiness is no easy thing. It’s… Admin
Truths to Memorise 03 Aug 2011 What it means to imitate God One thing we must never lose sight of is that the primary object of the Christian faith is to make… Admin
Truths to Memorise 03 Aug 2011 You must put off your old self Many people these days seem quite unaware that becoming a Christian requires a complete change of life. Lady Gaga is… Admin
Truths to Memorise 03 Aug 2011 Speech is marked by lies, false interpretations of reality, blame and insult. In Genesis 1 speech is a precious gift that enables us to understand the truth about God, ourselves and the… Admin
Truths to Memorise 03 Aug 2011 The solution to our communication problems Ever since the fall, we have struggled with words. Of course, many won’t admit this, but if you recognize, like… Admin